Friday, October 5, 2012

Putting the Real Back In RealSchool

As many of you already know, one of the fastest growing clubs in Frisch over the last year has been RealSchool. What many do not know is that because of the rate at which it has grown, RealSchool is no longer what it used to be. Right now it is somewhere between fake and real. It might be more aptly called UnrealSchool.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hide Your Kids, Hide Your Wives, Hide Your Teachers' Social Lives

     In preparation for parent-teacher conferences, teachers have changed their names on Facebook accounts to prevent parents from identifying them and viewing what goes on in their social life.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Fine Print

After last school year, I think it’s safe to say that despite some minor personal issues there was one definite, glaring problem with the school. I'm sure most of you would recall it, but for the sake of some freshmen that didn’t have to experience it, here it is: the attendance system at davening.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Locker Letter

Hey kids:

     We are writing to you as a group of bored students who are impatient with the dry, humorless activity that goes on here every day, and personally offended that the only person having fun with the school and its policies is self-proclaimed Fashion Czar Stein (go check the e-mail sent to your parents before the summer; we're not making that up.) So, we have decided to create a satirical blog for you--for all of us--to "lighten up" the Frisch School. All you have to do is log onto our website and submit a complaint you have about the school, and one of our writers (which could be you! If you e-mail us on the website) will use that as a prompt for a nicely-packed article, and give a shout out to you for the idea at the end! We are called The Frisch Leek, our website is, and like your attendance supervisor from last year, we are anonymous. Because this blog is about the school and its student body having fun, not about us, although a little mystery can't do any harm ;)
     Feel free to make fun of Frisch however you so choose--all in good fun of course; we don't really want to cross the line, just kind of play with it--whether it be the basketball teams for thinking they're the business, the hockey teams for excelling at a fake sport, model UN for thinking they actually know something about real government policy, or the math team for being straight up geeks. Or, you could make fun of every teacher in this school for thinking their subject is most important to our very survival; Math teachers, Science teachers, English teachers, and while we do hold God above all, that includes you too Judaic studies teachers. Oh, and if you think of something really outside the box, please don't hesitate to submit it, we could use your help. Together, each and every one of us can work to make Frisch that much less serious.

     Also, do us a favor and like us on Facebook. Facebook pages are dope.